Regroup After Your Breakouts
How Regrouping After a Breakout Meeting Can Be Helpful to Your Overall Message
Breakout meetings are a great way to get small groups of people together to discuss specific topics. They can be used for brainstorming, problem-solving, or simply to share ideas.
But what happens after the breakout meeting is over? How can you make sure that the ideas that were generated are shared with the larger group?
One way to do this is to regroup with the entire group after the breakout meetings are over.
This gives everyone a chance to share what they discussed in their smaller groups but also allows for cross-pollination of ideas as people from different groups can learn from each other.
There are a few things to keep in mind when regrouping after a breakout meeting:
Make sure everyone has a chance to share. It's important to give everyone a chance to share what they discussed in their smaller groups. This can be done by having each group take turns presenting their ideas, or by having a facilitator lead a discussion. Providing wireless handheld microphones to pass around to each group can help ensure all ideas are easily heard.
Encourage discussion and collaboration. The goal of regrouping is to share ideas and collaborate on solutions. So, it's important to encourage discussion and collaboration during the regrouping session. The facilitator can be a crucial element to this part by asking questions, brainstorming, and summarizing the key points that were discussed.
Summarize the key points. At the end of the regrouping session, it's helpful to summarize the key points that were discussed, create action items, and refresh everyone’s memory. This will also help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the ideas that were generated throughout your event are not lost.
By following these tips, you can make sure that regrouping after a breakout meeting is a productive and valuable experience.
Here are some additional tips for regrouping after a breakout meeting:
Set a clear agenda. Before the meeting, take some time to come up with a clear agenda. This will help to keep the discussion on track and ensure that all of the important topics are covered.
Encourage participation from everyone. It's important to make sure that everyone has a chance to participate in the discussion. This can be done by calling on people by name, asking open-ended questions, and using active listening skills.
Take notes. It's helpful to take notes during the discussion. This will help you to remember the key points that were discussed and to follow up on any action items that were agreed upon. This can be done easily using a whiteboard or flip-chart. Post-event communication repeating these ideas is a powerful way to continue the lessons beyond your event.
By regrouping after your breakout meetings, you can ensure that all attendees have access to all of the great topics and discussions that occured throughout your event.
If you’d like to brainstorm other ways you can make your events more powerful, please reach out to our team at or hitting the Contact Us button below.